Account Details

OpenSea Account
ENS Name
Total Punks Owned
Last Active
5 months ago
Total Amount Spent Buying Punks
0.31Ξ ($807)
Bids On Owned Punks
Value of Bids On Owned Punks
0.00Ξ ($0.00)
Total Amount Earned Selling Punks
0.00Ξ ($0.00)
Current Bids Placed By This Account
Value of Current Bids Placed
0.00Ξ ($0.00)
People Watching This Account

37 Punks Owned

Punk 1368
Punk 1488
Punk 1608
Punk 1657
Punk 1768
Punk 2027
Punk 2157
Punk 2195
Punk 2251
Punk 2494
Punk 2620
Punk 2682
Punk 2751
Punk 2843
Punk 2885
Punk 2922
Punk 3068
Punk 3180
Punk 3516
Punk 3918
Punk 4641
Punk 5712
Punk 6625
Punk 6739
Punk 6960
Punk 7125
Punk 7152
Punk 7301
Punk 7548
Punk 8704
Punk 8822
Punk 8939
Punk 9256
Punk 9267
Punk 9323
Punk 9412
Punk 9526

0 Punks for Sale by this Account

0 in 0 Bids For Punks Owned by this Account

0 in 0 Bids Placed by This Account

0.31 ETH ($807.02 USD) in 3 Punks Bought by This Account

Punk 6318
Punk 4641
Punk 1657

0 in 0 Punks Sold by This Account